2X1 CEF Hackathon
Apply to pilot your solution in European Cities, win prize money and get global visibility!
Apply to pilot your solution in European Cities, win prize money and get global visibility!
The 2x1 Hackathon initiative is dedicated to #opendata, promoted within the European projects and financed by Connecting Europe Facility program: DYDAS - DYnamic Data Analytics Services (www.dydas.eu) and SPOTTED - Satellite Open Data for Smart City Services Development. The initiative is supported at an international level by FIWARE Foundation.
Win prizes worth up to 10K euros, global promotion, and pilot your solution in the most popular European cities
Registration deadline:
January 17th, 2023
We propose 2 opportunities for researchers and experts who want to submit their proposal in one or both of the available challenges:
- Data driven Traffic Lights optimisation in large cities using Open Data and DYDAS platform
- Supporting cities to monitor and plan green areas leveraging Datasets provided by Spotted project.