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Amos Kla, Scott Salandy-defour, Ilyass Kharbouch y otros se han inscrito en el reto
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The severity of the health, economic and social crises resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic poses multidimensional and complex challenges to the African continent. From medical prevention to access to care, as well as all everyday activities — schools, businesses, administration…— life in the different African countries has experienced a blow that is driving us to look for a new equilibrium, in order to be more resilient, inclusive and sustainable.
While governments have rallied to respond to current emergencies, we believe in collective intelligence to build the Africa of tomorrow. Mobilizing all of our human resources is becoming imperative. Startups, associations, specialists and experts, students and even ordinary citizens can participate in Hacking Covid-19 Africa to address issues relevant to coping with the current emergency and preparing for the post-crisis period.
The objective of this event is to give everyone the opportunity to put their skills to use for the common good, and to identify solutions that can be rapidly implemented for the future of post-crisis Africa.
* L'UM6P se réserve le droit de choisir un lauréat parmi l'ensemble des projets retenus pour le Hackathon
* Si le gagnant ne souhaite pas utiliser un de ses lots - celui-ci revient au lauréat suivant