Challenge the Insurance of Tomorrow!
How can the IoT and Big Data help better serve policyholders?
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A three-stage process
Stage 1 - Ideation
From January 8th to February 25th 2018
- Create or join a team of 2-5 students. Each team needs to present their idea in around five slides, using the presentation template on the platform.
- Each team then uploads their application to their personal area before 23.59 (GMT+0) on February 25th 2018!
Please Note : This challenge is open to students residing in Europe or North America.
Stage 2 - Expansion
From March 14th to April 8th 2018
After the jury announces their results on March 14th 2018, the teams behind the 20 selected projects will:
- Receive online coaching from TD Insurance experts via the challenge platform.
- Use their coach's recommendations to improve their project (technical development and feasibility, cost estimates, video, prototyping, etc.).
- Upload a promotional video (4 minutes maximum) to the platform before 23.59 (GMT+0) on April 8th 2018!
- Add up to 10 slides of additional information to their project (optional).
Stage 3 - Final
May 3rd 2018
After the second jury announces its results on April 12th 2018, the 5 teams of finalists will have the opportunity to pitch their solutions to the TD Insurance product innovation team! The final is a chance for participants to:
- See their project come to life.
- Get themselves noticed by TD Insurance.
- Win a range of prizes!