AI for Future Business Challenge
How can AI be leveraged to improve efficiency, production and/or effectiveness within traditional sectors?
In a team of 2 to 4 people, develop a project that helps improve efficiency, production, and/or effectiveness within traditional sectors by leveraging AI, along with conducting a market analysis on the sector/business area. At the end of this challenge your project should include:
- A market analysis on the sector/business area,
- An innovative (new to market) product or service that will meet a need/desire within that sector/business area,
- A high-level marketing and adoption strategy.
Use Microsoft Azure to bring your ideas to life and Microsoft Learn to develop new skills surrounding AI.
Your idea must be based on one of the five given sectors: Food Service, Hospitality & Tourism, Agriculture, Supply Chain & Logistics, Industrial Manufacturing
We encourage all participants to take advantage of $100 in free Microsoft Azure credits and explore AI Learning Modules to learn new skills and spark new ideas for the challenge!
You can find more resources and information here.
A jury of experts will evaluate your projects based on these criteria: