Innovation Summit Bold Ideas Challenge (INDUSTRY)
Start-ups: Innovate in the Digitized Industry Sector!
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The challenge step by step
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From January 26th, register your Start-up. Present your project in a 10-slide PPT/PDF (English is preferred) using this template along with a mockup, a video, a prototype or any other document that can illustrate your project! Submit all your documents before March 12th, 2018 11.59PM (CET).
For this stage, the 10 selected start-ups will need to develop their project with the support of a Schneider Electric expert. They will present their solution in front of the Schneider Electric top management team during the Grand Final Event in April 2018.
In Paris in early April at the Schneider Electric Innovation Summit, all finalist teams will pitch their project in front of the Schneider Electric top management team during the Grand Final Event in April 2018.
The judges will select the 5 winning start-ups!