Clarins Marketing Challenge
Get creative with the No. 1 prestige skin care brand in Europe!
Who Can Apply
Clarins welcomes applications from students from the top universities in Hong Kong, including those who are studying Business Management, Marketing and more.
Get together and form teams of 2 - 4 people - you can use the ‘Teams’ tab to find other students looking to collaborate.
Selection Process
Application Phase
28 November 2018 - 10 February 2019
(11 weeks)
Now is your chance to get creative! In the Application phase, you will have 9 weeks to form a team, get under the skin of Clarins and come up with your marketing strategy. Your submission should be a summary of your ideas and feel free to illustrate your slides with diagrams, pictures, quotes, etc.
Submission Deadline: 10 February 2019 (11:59 PM, GMT +8:00)
Deliverable: Presentation of 10 slides to promote the new Clarins product launch.
- Communication strategy (University sampling, online communication, social media strategy, user generated content, media plan, KOL collaboration).
- Introduction of Team Members.
Vote #1
10 February - 4 March 2019
(3 weeks)
The jury will select the top 30 teams who will progress to the Mentoring Phase. They will be looking for originality, creativity, feasibility, relevance and presentation quality.
Selected Teams Announcement: 4 March 2019
Mentoring Top 30
4 March - April 2nd 2019
This is your chance to gain insight into Clarins and our new product range from those who know Clarins best. Mentoring of the student teams by Clarins senior management and marketing team will be a chance for students to develop their ideas and polish their proposal.
Submission Deadline: April 2nd 2019 (11:59 PM, GMT +8:00)
Deliverables: Revised plan of 15-20 slides with appendices (if necessary).
- Communication strategy (University sampling, online, offline communication, social media strategy, media plan, KOL collaboration)
- KPIs
- Exact timeline/schedule
- Budget
- Intro, Roles of Team Members in Implementation
Vote #2
April 3rd - April 8th 2019
(1 week)
A selection committee from Clarins will review the different projects and select the final 10 teams, according to the following criteria:
- Originality of the project
- Overall presentation quality
- Feasibility of the budget and KPIs
- Creativity
Clarins will also select a "Creative top 10" which will be invited to pitch their plan separately from the Grand Finale.
Selected Teams Announcement: 9 April 2019
Mentoring Top 10
8 April - End of April 2019
(3-4 weeks)
During this phase, the top 10 teams participating in the Grand Finale will be further mentored by Clarins (briefing session to be released to the top 10 selected teams). During this briefing, the Creative Top 10 named at the end of the vote #2 will also be invited to pitch their marketing plan.
Grand Finale
End of April 2019
(1 afternoon)
Coinciding with the launch of our new product line in March, the 10 finalist teams will have an opportunity to pitch their marketing plan to Clarins' senior management for a chance to implement it with the support of Clarins once the Clarins Marketing Challenge is over.
Submission Deadline: TBC
Deliverables: 10 slides presentation (5 minutes Pitch)