e-pocrate 2 challenge
Imagine new solutions to improve the patient care pathway!
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Imagine new solutions to improve the patient care pathway
Got ideas for innovation in the health sector?
Take part in the e-pocrate 2 challenge and win over €16,000 in prizes!
Whether you're a student, a healthcare professional or a project leader, you can take part in the challenge and imagine tomorrow's life-changing solutions for patients: new practices, new technology, smart devices – it's up to you to shape the future of health!
Taking part in this challenge is a chance for you to put your ideas forward as well as to test your project and receive support from a range of professionals – and who knows, maybe you'll even launch your own startup!
Join the challenge!
Our challenge partners have prizes for the best teams
Imagine new solutions to improve the patient care pathway!
By 'care pathway', we mean all the steps patients experience during their treatment – from seeking professional advice to admission to healthcare facilities, patient support and returning home.
How can new technology, connected devices and new digital services improve their care pathway?
This second edition of the epocrate challenge invites you to imagine solutions to guide patients all along the care pathway!
Ready for new technology!
How can this new technology be used to help better support patients?
How can it be used to increase patient compliance? How can it improve the often long and complex care pathways (reception, admission, treatment, departure, etc.) that take place when patients are admitted to healthcare facilities?
You could even take a point upstream of the care pathway as your starting point! You can propose a project that covers all stages (information, referral to a healthcare professional, treatment, follow-up, etc.) or focuses on an essential point. Choose your own scenario – it's up to you!
Win a range of prizes!
As well as our partner's excellence prizes, the following prizes are also up for grabs:
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- 5th
The winning team will receive €2000 in gift vouchers.
The second team will receive €1000 in gift vouchers.
The third team will receive €800 in gift vouchers.
the 4th team will receive €500 in gift vouchers.
the 5th team will receive €300 in gift vouchers.
Launch your startup!
Want to get into entrepreneurship? The e-pocrate challenge gives you the opportunity to make your projects a reality! The best teams will have the opportunity to receive expert support.
It's a great way of kick-starting your projects and launching your startup!
Grande Finale !
Le lieu est encore top secret, mais la finale sera exceptionnelle !
Au programme : présentation des finalistes, remise des prix et célébration.