VINCI 2017 innovation students awards
In the digital era,
what would the city of your dreams look like?
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In the digital era, what would the city of your dreams look like?
Your generation is bringing major transformations to cities. The way you think, work, consume, travel and interact all pose new challenges – cities that are more human, more connected, greener, fairer, more citizen-focused, more cultural, more sustainable...
Whether you address the challenge through collaborative tools, 3D simulation and virtual reality tools, connected objects, robotics, mobile apps, or using another method, your innovation will need to be realistic, attractive and practical.
It should also fall within one of the four key steps of an urban transformation project: design, funding, construction and use, including of buildings (accommodation, workplaces), transport infrastructure (all forms of mobility), energy networks (smart grids, renewable energy, etc.), and more.
How can different urban stakeholders (local authorities, residents, charities, researchers, students, citizens, architects, urban developers, etc.) be united, working together to create ingenious solutions?
How can a sustainable city be designed as a space to preserve natural resources?
How can funding include a participatory aspect?
What unique and innovative solutions could be used to fund projects?
How can buildings' potential be improved (energy performance, reversibility between offices and accommodation, health and well-being, etc.)?
How can cities be built on cities?
How can city lifestyles be improved and optimized through service apps and a range of connected devices?
How can citizens reclaim ownership of urban public spaces?
The VINCI 2017 Innovation Awards
Taking place every two years, the VINCI Innovation Awards is open to everyone within the company.
In 2015, the previous students challenge had taken place, simultaneously with the internal participative innovation program.
This year, for the first time, the VINCI Innovation Awards is open to students (and recent graduates): a unique opportunity for you, young talents, to take part in tackling urban transformation issues, but also meet VINCI managers!
Final Ceremony
The challenge's final ceremony will take place at the Salle Pleyel in Paris.