L'Oréal Brandstorm 2022
Get the opportunity to be mentored by L’Oréal business experts, stay in touch with recruiters, and win the Intrapreneurship missions.
Participate in Brandstorm and change the world!
Brandstorm is a worldwide innovation competition open to everyone up to 30 Y.O. For the 30th Anniversary of the competition you will have 3 tracks to choose from in addition to a full learning path on Trailhead by Salesforce.
Get the opportunity to be mentored by L’Oréal business experts, stay in touch with recruiters, and win the Intrapreneurship missions.
Win an Intrapreneurship mission to Paris!
Registration deadline:
Specific by country
Disrupt Beauty 2030!
- Inclusion Track
- Green Track
- Tech Track