Open Innovation Forum
An event to enhance collaboration between startups and corporates in Hong Kong's innovation ecosystem.
Application phase
12 March - 8 April 2018
Please submit your startup application by uploading your business deck on your participant's profile. You should also choose one or several technologies that matches your solution and choose your industry of reference (where most of your current clients come from).
Online selection process
12 - 19 April 2018
Based on your technology and industry of reference, we will propose your company to our different corporates. They will then review your business decks and decide to meet with the startups with whom they share a mutual interest. Once the online selection is complete, we will let you know how many companies have taken interest in your startup and will share with you your meeting agenda for 24 April.
Announcement: 20 April 2018
Match-Making session
24 April 2018 - Lunchtime
Following your selection by our corporate participants, your startup will get the chance to pitch its concept to one or multiple potential clients. Each meeting lasts exactly 10 minutes (no more, no less). You will learn about your schedule in advance of the event.