Sensory Challenge
Does your startup offer a product or service that stimulates the senses? Don't waste another second and take part in the Sensory challenge!
Enhance the sensory experience for residents and patients at care facilities
Calling for companies with sense-activating innovations to enhance the well-being of ORPEA’s residents.
The solutions can be designed to benefit a single resident, a group experience, or a family experience. As such, they can be deployed in Individual rooms, in common spaces, in hospitality areas, etc.
Those winning rituals need to provide added value in the daily life of the residents while matching the practical aspects of the deployment of the facility.
Mentorship, support, a PoC in ORPEA facilities, and more
Registration deadline:
May, 15th 2022
Use technology to create multi-sensory rituals
- Stimulation that targets cognitive stimulation, memory, etc
- Rituals and multi-sensory experiences that aim to entertain residents
- Multi-sensory experiences that are designed for relaxation, mental, well-being etc