CBC, make it personal!
2019 competition now open, join now.
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Here is everything you need to know to make the best of your CBC/Radio-Canada Hackathon 2019 experience!
On January 18, 2019, a series of video webinars will be released on the cloud services from Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services and on APIs from CBC and Radio-Canada. Following the release of these videos, there will be a live chat session on Slack on the evening of Tuesday, January 22, 2019 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (EST), where you’ll be able to talk to specialists of all these platforms and ask questions. Participation in this event is highly recommended.
Credits for the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services environments will be handed out to all teams by Monday, January 28, 2019.
The CBC/Radio-Canada Hackathon 2019 will kick off on Friday, February 1 at 6 p.m. ET and will end on Sunday, February 3. Join us in person at the CBC Toronto Broadcast Centre (250 Front St. W), at the Maison de Radio-Canada in Montreal (1400, boul. René-Lévesque Est) or online at cbc.ca/hackathon.
Event highlights :
CBC/Radio-Canada Hackathon encourages innovation and digital leadership based on the personalization of CBC/Radio-Canada products.
- Friday, February 1st at 6 pm, Soo Kim, executive director, Media Operations and Nora Young, host, and creator of CBC Radio One’s Spark and official spokesperson for the CBC/Radio-Canada Hackathon 2019 will welcome you to kick off the event. Your mentors, who will be available for you all weekend, will be introduced and Lucio Agostini, senior manager, CBC Digital Products will give a short talk about the art of giving good presentations.
- You will have Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning to work on your project onsite. On Sunday, February 3, you will present your prototype in front of the jury panel of five people.
- After the awards are presented, you will be invited to join us to celebrate at our wrap-up and networking event.
Detailed Schedule:
Friday, February 1
5:00 pm - Registration and dinner
* Note that no dinner will be served in Montreal, but the cafeteria will be open until 7 p.m.
6:00 pm - Opening remarks
6:15 pm - Introduction of mentors, teams and projects
6:30 pm - Talk on the art of giving good presentations
7:00 pm - Begin of work on projects
Saturday, February 2nd
9:00 am - Doors open, breakfast and work continues
12:00 pm - Lunch and work continues
6:00 pm - Dinner and work continues 1
10:00 pm - Doors close
Sunday, February 3rd
9:00 am - Doors open, breakfast and work continues
12:30 pm - Lunch and preparation of presentations
2:00 pm - Prototypes presentations : 3 minutes demo, 2 minutes of questions from judges
4:00 pm - Judges deliberate
5:00 pm - Announcement of winning teams and distribution of awards
5:30 pm - Wrap up and networking event and interviews with winning teams
In the meantime, if you have any questions or need to speak with us, please get in touch with us via the Agorize platform.