Faster Mind Challenge
Design the supply chain of the future
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Faster Mind Challenge
Your role? Propose an innovative and personalized service that will satisfy FM Logistic’s consumers!
Are you young and creative? Is your brain bursting with ideas? Don't waste another second – revolutionize the world of supply chains at the Faster Mind Challenge organized by FM Logistic!
For its second edition, the challenge is taking on a new dimension with a huge international final in Paris: Spanish, Polish, Russian and French winning teams will present their best innovations!
By taking part in this challenge, you'll have the chance to win great prizes, but also to present solutions for the future to FM Logistic's Executive Committee, and maybe even land yourself an internship, an international volunteering in business (VIE) opportunity, or a job.
Your mission
Nowadays, consumers are fond of personalized services and products: from a simple soda can to sweets or cosmetics, everything becomes customized. How can we entirely satisfy their expectations and desires?
Propose a personalized service...
- Home delivery
- Customer relationship
- Subscription
- Loyalty program
- Packaging customization
- etc. using an innovative solution:
- Digitalization
- Apps
- Big data
- Connected objects
- Internet of things
- 3D Printers
- etc.
To make your mission a success, focus on home delivery, moving relationships into the digital world (apps?!), using connected objects, exploring big data, implementing subscriptions, consumer loyalty, creating innovative packaging – or any exclusive service that could help FM Logistic to stand out and adopt an innovative position!
FM Logistic runs logistics operations for its industry and retailer customers (B2B) who themselves have B2B and B2C customers. For example, FM Logistic stores goods for groups such as SEB, Unilever, L'Oréal, L'Occitane and Nespresso, and supplies major retailers such as Carrefour and Auchan, as well as delivering to points of sale and even to end consumers. Thus, your innovative solution needs to be suited to FM Logistic's needs and challenges, as well as those of its customers (retailers and industry). FM Logistic manages three activities: warehousing, copacking and transport.
If the FM Logistic experts like your idea, you and your team will have the opportunity to take your project further within the company, just like Antoine and Sophie from the previous challenge.
Let’s play: free your imagination and propose innovative, ambitious and relevant projects.
Outline of
Faster Mind Challenge
Why take part in the second edition?
Taking part in the Faster Mind Challenge is an opportunity to present your ideas to the Executive Committee – the CEO, the Director of Innovation, the Director of Human Resources and more – of one of the biggest global logistics groups, with almost 24,000 employees worldwide.
It's also a chance to take part in an international challenge! Four of the Group's countries – Spain, France, Poland and Russia – are getting involved.
One final will be organized in each country – meaning four times as many winners! All members of the 16 teams (four per country) that stand out the most will have the chance to win a range of prizes. The best team of each country will have the opportunity to participate to the international final in Paris!
If your idea is chosen, you'll have the opportunity to join the FM Logistic teams, just like with the first edition of the Faster Mind Challenge. With no fewer than 67 universities and colleges represented and a total of 255 students across 125 teams, the first Faster Mind Challenge was won by 'The Smart Band', who are now working with FM Logistic teams to develop their ambitious project.
A range of prizes
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
Each team member in the first-place team will win a watch Samsung Galaxy Gear S3 (worth €400) or the equivalent in gift certificates.
Each team member will win a Samsung Galaxy Tab E (worth €200) or the equivalent in gift certificates.
Each team member will win Bose headphones (worth €100) or the equivalent in gift certificates.
Each team member will win a one-year subscription to Spotify (worth €100) or the equivalent in gift certificates.
FM Logistic at the heart of innovation
For FM Logistic, innovating means boosting operational productivity and building performance, lowering supply chain costs and increasing flexibility – all while improving the quality of service.
The aim is to imagine, design and deploy the best operational tools, processes, and structures in the Group's countries of operation, giving a competitive advantage to the company and its customers.
Naturally, innovation goes hand-in-hand with sustainable development and employee well-being. Ergonomic solutions are being developed to make working more comfortable.
To take part in this innovation strategy, log on to the platform in just a few clicks, create or join a team, and make your idea into reality. There's only one question left… Are you ready to innovate?