Handling the Future
Comment développer l'attractivité de la marque Manitou pour les clients de demain ?
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In order to promote and encourage innovation in industry while developing our local partnerships with colleges in the region, the Manitou group has for the third consecutive year organized "Handling the Future", a college competition aimed at students enrolled in higher education establishments.
This year, the theme revolves around marketing.
Society is evolving rapidly. Buying habits are changing. Customers are increasingly elusive, fickle, short-term oriented and disloyal. Yet 81% of consumers are prepared to pay more for a better customer experience.
Tomorrow, digital will be an essential component of the relationship with our customers, although not the only channel. Tomorrow, we will be able to anticipate our customers' expectations more accurately, at every point of contact on the customer journey: at the dealership, on the Internet, via smartphone, on multimedia platforms, at trade shows, or at customer visits. Tomorrow is already here!
But how do we prepare for it? How do we activate the necessary levers to improve customer loyalty and prospecting by strengthening our brand image? In France, in our mature and emerging markets.
The Manitou brand has just celebrated its 60th anniversary. There have been three generations of buyers. Today, the group's strong brand needs to look to the future. The challenge is to get ready so that we can attract tomorrow's customers, whether they are prospective or existing customers, using the right communication channels, the right tools, in the right place at the right time!
How do we strengthen Manitou's brand appeal to adapt to tomorrow's customers?
Today, the Manitou brand has appeal and a strong reputation in its domestic market (in France) and its mature markets (Europe): it is well known, recognized, appreciated, and valued. In the emerging markets, the brand is building up its image.
Today's prospects are tomorrow's customers, and we are targeting professionals from agriculture (buyer users), construction (with 80% of them renting machines), and industry (key accounts).