MoveTech Challenge Startup

Transform everyday mobility

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Guideline of the Challenge

Taking part to the MoveTech Challenge is really simple!


How to enter?



1st phase - I APPLY

Before October, 15th 23:59


Create your online profile and register by clicking on the “participate”  button. Fill in the form by answering a few questions about your ideas and present your project using a ppt or pdf presentation (template to download here). Deposit your document, either in French or English, on your personal space before October 15, 2017, 23:59 :

-Your startup (team and members, competences, asset, financial stability etc.) 

-Your concept (problem, target user, value proposition, development phase etc.)

-Your business model and roadmap (key challenges, success factors etc.) 

-Data & APIs – add any request regarding additional APIs & Data (SNCF will do its best to make them available)

You can also add any other documents (drawing, sketches etc.), for example a short video to illustrate your project.

Until October 15, you can modify your application and discuss with the other startups. A Jury will review the different projects according to the criteria.







6 startups will be preselected for the second phase.

During this phase, you will get support and mentoring from SNCF experts. They will help you to develop a functional prototype adapted to mobility issues. Two "bootcamp" events will be organized to help you finalize your project and work on your final presentation (concise, brief and clear).




Final - DEMO DAY

December 19th, 2017


The 6 startups will be invited to pitch their project during a Demo Day in Paris on December 19. The three best projects will be rewarded (financial grant and acceleration).