By Great Place To Work®


Hey you! What would be your ideal approach to integration? Join us and share your innovative project!

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This Challenge is now over, find out about the results here!

Being happy at work? It begins with a great place to InteGREAT!

Decision day has arrived, and the recruiter calls to tell you the good news – you're hired! ... So now what?

Once you get over your initial delight at this fantastic news, it's time for you to show what you can do in your new company. 
But there's a nagging question – how will your future colleagues welcome you? They seem friendly and welcoming, but they feel a long way away right now.

If only someone could have put you at ease... And you're right – there needs to be a process to help you feel at home. It's called integration!

Integration will play a major role when you first arrive – it'll help you get used to your new company, but above all, it'll also improve your well-being at work.

What would be your ideal approach to integration?

Keep in mind that the aim of this challenge is to find new ideas that aren't already being used!

When joining a new company, employees often go through a process of integration. Seminars, shadowing, integration days – all sorts of approaches have already been tried and tested. Now it's over to you to invent a brand new idea to revolutionize the world of work.

Create an innovative concept that will build empathy between new arrivals and current employees as well as a real sense of fulfilment within the company.

This is an international competition – it's open to 19 European countries as well as Mauritius – and so are the prizes!


Are you ready to take part in this fantastic challenge?

Submit your inteGREATion method!

Here are a few ideas that are already being used – now invent your own!


InteGREATion before the new employee arrives

Create an atmosphere of empathy with the newcomer before they even arrive

A welcome email introducing the new employee is sent to all staff, helping them to make their first few contacts. 


InteGREATion when the new employee arrives 

Taking current employees' experience on board to move forwards 

A meeting is organized between the new arrival and two employees on a similar career path, who share their experiences with the newcomer.


InteGREATion after the new employee arrives

Identify new arrivals to give them a better welcome

New arrivals wear a special lanyard so other employees can identify and welcome them.



Long-term inteGREATion 

Promoting team spirit from day one 

The new recruits are all trained at the same three-day seminar, topped off with a 'class' photo and name! 


The winners will walk away with brilliant prizes

  • 1er
  • 2e
  • 3e


  • Travel to the European country of your choice...

  • ...where you'll spend an immersion day at the Great Place to Work® offices.

  • Receive a gift box from "Ma P'tite Culotte"

  • As well as a selection of Faguo's products!






  • Each of the winners will receive a three-day pass to Rock en Seine (TBC)

  • An immersion day with the Great Place to Work® France team in the Paris office.

  • Receive a gift box from "Ma P'tite Culotte"

  • As well as a selection of Faguo's products!


  • Each of the winners will receive a one-day pass to Rock en Seine (TBC)

  • An immersion day with the Great Place to Work® France team in the Paris office.

  • Receive a gift box from "Ma P'tite Culotte"

  • As well as a selection of Faguo's products!


Great Place to Work®

A notre sujet


Our aim is to help businesses to become great places to work – and to stay that way.


The Great Place to Work® Institute is an international research, consulting and training firm that helps organizations to identify, create and sustain great workplaces by developing high-trust workplace cultures. We provide our services to companies, charities and administrations in 45 countries all over the world.

Our clients are businesses and organizations – some want to maintain a great workplace, some are looking to make considerable improvements to their business culture, and some are in between. We know that organizations that can build trust and create a rewarding cycle of personal contributions and appreciation create business cultures that deliver outstanding results. 


Their social media




The finalists will be invited
to the Palais Brongniart

They'll present their projects to an audience of 500 people, including CEOs, HR directors and managers of European companies that are great places to work