Smart Cities Challenge by Philips Lighting
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Gregory graduated end 2007 with a Master of Science in Marketing at EDHEC Business School, after a Master Degree in Business & Foreign Languages at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
He joined Philips Lighting in 2008, starting as a B2B sales rep within Trade in Northeastern part of France .
He then turned into a position of Junior KAM within End-users Retail & Hospitality department thereby developing direct approach and pull with first major successes such as FNAC stores refurbishment, before moving into an IKAM position to manage strategic major accounts such as Carrefour & Total. His biggest contribution during those 3 years was among others the win of Carrefour tender to transform their hypermarket concept with “Planet” project, translating into 22M€ sales for Philips Europe.
He was then offered the possibility to manage OEM French sales organization as a strategic G2M for France to spread out our key innovations and set the latest technological standards in French Lighting industry.
He has been now heading Marketing team for France (covering both B2B & B2C) for 4 years.
Greg is energetic, passionate about new business model and digital, and is a strong team-play believer.
Married and father of a little girl, he loves travelling and sports overall.
Sylvain Leroux is Customer Marketing Director for Datavenue an IoT program, and he is also Marketing Director for LiFi & Geolocation anticipation projects at Orange, one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators.
In 2018, Orange was ranked #19 - 50 Most Innovative Companies - by the Boston Consulting Group. 1st French & European company, 1st Telecom operator of the ranking.
Sylvain is an expert in digital transformation, change management and innovation: his focus is about to structure or manage game changing partners, ecosystems and services.
Sylvain is passionate about hybridization. He was previously building bridges between Physical and Digital worlds in the retail field.
He has an extensive knowledge on opening new frontiers between Digital, Culture and Business: he has created with Erik Orsenna the first book award mixing professionals and internet users, gathering a community of 200K reading enthusiasts, and developed a Transmedia project with famous author Alexandre Jardin.
He has also worked for Africa, Middle East & Asia markets as Business Partner Communication where he mainly focused on branding and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Dominique BARTH
Pr. In computer science at University of Versailles - St Quentin and University of Paris-Saclay. Director of the "DAVID laboratory"
Dominique Barth is full professor in computer science at University of Versailles - St Quentin and University of Paris-Saclay since 1999. Since its creation in July 2015, he is the director of the "DAVID: Data and Algorithms for the Intelligent and Sustainable City" laboratory, where he is responsible for the team "ALMOST: Algorithms and Stochastic Models". Since its creation in January 2017, he is also leading the research federation "Computer, Human and Social Sciences (SIHS)" of the french CNRS. Dominique Barth's research area is concerned with algorithms and machine learning with different areas of application, mainly related to smart cities, for which he is participating to different french and european research actions.
Jeanne Carrez-Debock is in charge of the smart city program @LaCaissedesDepots, a public company supporting and financing local public infrastructure, social housing, enterprise development, energy and ecological transition. She contributes to various smart city projects and her area of expertise covers smart building, open data, smart mobility…Prior to working at Caisse des Dépôts, she was a consultant of local economic development at Ernst and Young, working with French local public sector.
Cécile Bensa is a project manager @LaCaissedesDepots in charge of innovation, marketing and development within the Smart City team. La Caisse des Dépôts is a public company supporting and financing local public infrastructure, social housing, enterprise development, energy and ecological transition. Prior to joining La Caisse des Dépôts, Cécile used to run her own consultancy boutique, assisting startups as well as bigger companies, on strategy, business development and innovation related topics, in various sectors.
He began his career in 2000 in Hungary to organize the technical operation of the buildings developed by the CDC. He then joined the EMGPs in the north of Paris to provide building management systems until 2007.
After carrying out a project within Icade on behlaf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Diplomatic Activity Center of La Courneuve), he is appointed Director of Complex Buildings for Icade Property Management. As a market leader, the complex buildings division manages more than 25 large-scale housing projects (15 buildings at Paris La Défense, the Montparnasse Tower and Montparnasse train station).
In 2016, he was appointed Director of Environmental Transitions of Icade to implement the group's commitments and to restor Icade's leadership position in energy and environmental transitions by supporting the development of teams' skills.
He is also an Icade correspondent within SmartCities Caisse des Dépots group.
With a degree from Panthéon Assas University, Fabrice MARSELLA joined Credit Agricole S.A in 2009 after 10 years spent as a management consultant. At the very heart of the Crown Assets Distribution, his main mission is to develop the banking application for iOS and the m-banking system.
In 2011, he takes the lead on digital and fintech projects to measure the impact they can have on the banking world. Since 2014, Fabrice is running the Village by CA in Paris, an eco-system that welcomes start-ups and supports them throughout their different development stages. Also known as the "Mayor" of the Village by CA, Fabrice is at the head of the Start-ups Committee and acts as their main "Ambassador". Fabrice puts the start-ups in contact with the leading partner groups thus increasing their networking.
In 2016, he started coaching start-ups on the "BFM Academie" show hosted by Nicolas Doze, first contest for business entrepreneur on BFM Business (TV and radio).
Since 2017, Fabrice hosts "Les Belles Rencontres" on Radio Village Innovation, invites start-ups and large companies to talk about their partnerships. He also makes occasional appearances in "Village Startup" on 01NETTV as a Start-up experts.
Anne Ruas is a Geographer and Researcher at the IFSTTAR (French Institute of Science & Technology in Transportation, Planning and Networks) working the subjects of geomatic and information systems. She is involved in Research Projects and in the management of PhD theses. Since 2017, she is coordinator of the Sense-City Team, a climate chamber that can reconstruct the climate and study urban metobalism.
Passionate about resilient and smart cities agenda, Emmanuel is Global Executive Client for ENGIE Group at Cisco. After studying Management Information Systems at Paris Dauphine University, he joins Accenture to develop Transportation and Infrastructure consulting services for the next 16 years before joining Cisco on the CDA Program in 2015.
Experienced in shaping complex deals and new businesses, including platform-based architectures, strategic alliances and innovative business models, Emanuel is seeking for long-term relationships with public and private clients and partners to develop sustainable business services enabled by technology solutions. He is also very motivated by international and multicultural work environments.
Jury 8
Coming soon!
Journalist, press editor, speaker and moderator, Ariel Gomez is the founder of Media Partners 360, publishing company of Smart City Mag and Retail Numérique Magazine,after leading for fifteen years the Journal des Télécoms. He is also involved in the development of conference programs for several trade shows : Mobility for Business, IoT World, Cloud Computing World Expo, Smart City Smart Grid or IAI (International Artificial Intelligence Congress)... As a specialist in digital transformation in various fields, he regularly works as an expert in various mainstream media (TF1, France 2, France 3, LCI, France 24, France Inter ...)