Smart Cities Challenge by Philips Lighting

Imagine innovative solutions and services using lighting networks!

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You are a driven start-up ready to take part in a bright adventure to improve our cities and make them smarter, more efficient, more sustainable... among other things! You know anything there is to know about IoT, AI, sensors, light, technology, smart cities and want to propose innovative ideas and solutions that will have a real impact on our everyday life? Then this challenge is for you!

Philips Lighting invites start-ups from across the world to join this new challenge - coming up with innovative ideas and solutions to answer the following problematic:


How can we use lighting networks to improve our cities and everyday life?


This is a unique opportunity to actively be part of shaping our future and play an important role for the next generations. Finalist start-ups will have the chance to pitch their project in front of Philips Lighting Top Executives and some of their major stakeholders such as Cisco, Icade, Crédit Agricole, Caisse des Dépôts or Sense City! And the winning start-up will be rewarded with the launch of a Marketing Campaign together with Philips Lighting worth up to €20,000!


Don’t delay, and let us know how would you innovate in Smart Cities!


...that in the next 10 years, over 19 billion conventional lightpoints will be replaced with LED-powered smart lighting technology thus becoming one of the greatest and biggest source to collect data! They will also offer an amazing opportunity for companies, local and regional representatives to innovate in this digital industry and to participate actively in saving energy!

...that by 2050 around 80% of the global population will live in an urban area, hence 70% more light points needed?

...that our Business Model must undertake great change to adapt to the future challenges and new tools need to be invented to meet their increasing complexity?

...that all our Outdoor and Indoor products such as roads, municipal buildings, stadiums, parkings, tertiary space (eg: hospitals, offices, shopping center, etc) are connected and will be even more connected in the short or medium term, representing a unique opportunity for data collection and offering much more than light to local authorities!


Light is everywhere, Light is life!


Taking into account all this facts, we invite you to propose brand new ideas and come up with solutions based on lighting networks! The target consists in defining a valid range of sensors, associated use case stories and service business model in the short to medium term.

We have listed below a few topics you could tackle and that have been considered as top priority topics for the coming years by Philips Lighting.

Keep in mind that your project should not only be about collecting data, it is also about what you could do with it!



Local and regional representatives authorities play an important role in citizens everyday life: what part could you play?



Private and Public Services do their best to improve the City: what added value could you bring through light?



From households to white-collar workers, including students, everyone is concerned and an active member of the city: how would you create and increase engagement of people? what data could you collect and what would you do with it?



Think of every little things that surround us: from the bin on each street corner, to the huge buildings or cars, including your everyday items, everything has become “smart” and connected. How could you fully exploit them and the data they collect?



Act at the service of the common good and feel free to propose ideas linked to IoT and lighting networks!


Should you accept it!

Seize the opportunity to innovate in the Smart Light technology and come up with an idea that will not only be good for our planet but that will also benefit from and be based on the existing lighting infrastructure surrounding us!

We have listed below some questions you could answer to start imagining your project:

  • Does your idea already exist?
  • Is it technically feasible and cost effective: do I have all the required resources to make this idea happen in a short to medium term?
  • Is my project ‘service and business’ oriented? Who will you be targeting? Does it make sense?
  • Is it based on existing lighting infrastructure? What added value does it bring? 
  • Is your project in line with your country current legislation in terms of data and privacy? (eg: European General Data Protection Regulation)

Don’t hesitate to think outside the box! Brand new and original projects are always most valued. Just keep in mind that your idea will need to integrate the implications and challenges of an open system, with regards to connectivity, interfaces between applications and city verticals, standards and procurement.


Feel free to check our Resources page for more information to get you started!


Great opportunities for all finalists to be introduced to Philips Lighting Executives and key actors of the Smart City industry! And also...

  • 1st
  • 2-3rd


UP TO €20,000!

The winning start-up will launch an International Marketing Campaign together with Philips Lighting worth €20,000!




Depending on their sector of industry, the second and third winning start-ups will be invited to important event to showcase their business to maybe develop partnerships with stakeholders. 


Pitch in front of the Top Executives of Philips Lighting and some of their important partners and stakeholder. Finalists will enjoy privileged time during the Final Event to share and discuss your ideas with the company’s decision makers! 

More information on the Jury members to come soon! 



Smart cities is a vision of the future, but it's also a reality today. Philips Lighting supports smart city initiatives with the world's most complete portfolio of LED luminaires, controls, software management platforms, apps and services.

Philips Lighting has successfully deployed smart city solutions in municipalities around the world. These range from modest lighting installations in places, such as Tenerife, The Canary Islands and Siegburg, Germany, to large-scale retrofits in global cities, such as Los Angeles, which is intelligently managing over 100,000 street lights with Philips CityTouch.

Philips Lighting has the technology, financing, services, and partnerships to make your smart city vision a reality.

Light is an integral part of the connected world. Philips Lighting is turning light sources into points of data to connect more devices, places and people through light.

In doing so, we make people safer, more productive and comfortable, cities more energy efficient and livable, and the world more sustainable. This is our commitment to deliver Light Beyond illumination.


More information


September, 2018

The 5 Start-ups in the running will present their project in front of a Jury composed of Philips Lighting Top Executives and other prestigious jury members in Paris, in early September 2018!