The Trail by VINCI Construction - 2nd Edition
Imagina el sector de la construcción del mañana
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Discover the highlights of the international final in video!
Due to the current context, the final was lead online so a big Bravo to the 13 teams from the 5 competing continents who adapted and gave their best!
Congratulations to the 4 winning teams!
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The UNDERGREEN team's project is based on the reinvestment of obsolete underground spaces by installing methanisation stations that transform the neighbourhood's organic waste and supply the buildings with clean energy.
"Bâtiment du Sahel" is a project aiming to create habitats adapted to Sahelian and desert regions using household ashes and plastic bottles.
Protecoast is an innovative project for the construction of the breakwaters of the future. It is built on old breakwaters. Its shape is made to dissipate swell. Its defence system produces energy.
The ENERGIE BRUYANTE team proposes to take advantage of the noise produced by the city to produce electrical energy and reduce noise pollution by means of piezoelectric membranes placed in windows and facades.