Village by CA Nord de France

European Student Challenge: Breaking new ground in plant-based proteins to help feed the planet

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French Chef, strong proponent of culinary melting-pot, he is one of the most important representatives in contemporary gastronomy. He is passionate about spices, from which he extracts the best quality he stages in his creations!

"For environmental, social, economic, and public health concerns, cookery must evolve very quickly. With pleasure as a priority, cooks have to reinvent “the pleasure of eating”. This challenge leaves the door wide open to plant-based proteins for the benefit of everyone’s pleasure and health while protecting our planet, larder of humanity."



Patrick Lesueur
Directeur R&D groupe, Bonduelle

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"Together, we will meet this amazing challenge for our planet: innovate to develop people demand for plant-based proteins products"


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Jean-Yves Favard
Chargé de projet - Diététitien, Bonduelle

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"I propose to you my vision and my sensitivity to the product so that together, we can enhance your recipe based on plant protein"


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Laurence Rousset
Directrice Marketing et Innovation, Bonduelle

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"Together, we will meet this amazing challenge for our planet: innovate to develop people demand for plant-based proteins products"



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 Thierry Lebrun
Directeur Marketing et Innovation, Crédit Agricole Nord de France

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"Each time I fill my plate, I invite the entire Planet unconsciously. Because each change starts with a new idea, I offer you to innovate together thanks to plant-based proteins."


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Sergio Cocco
Directeur conseil et innovation, Yncréa Hauts-de-France

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"Together… let's innovate, co-elaborate and invent new sources of creation around plant-based proteins. Be Creative."


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Alexis-Noé Blaise
Chargé d'affaires agroalimentaire, Pôle de compétitivité Nutrition Santé Longévité (NSL) 

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"Plant-based proteins, one small step for man, one giant leap for the planet"



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Benjamin Delecroix
Chargé d'affaires, Euralimentaire 

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"Together, we will challenge your project and give it meaning to achieve it"


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Jean-Pierre Garnier
Directeur de la Plateforme Restauration, Sodexo
"To cook it’s the best way to say “I love you”, there is no good cooking without technique or heart.”


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Frédéric Mercier
Expert culinaire Entreprises, Sodexo
"Together, give our guests pleasure by cooking naturally with taste and lightness.”